Prices for online lessons
Package of 10 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$180 US
Pakage of 15 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$250 US
Package of 20 lessons
$350 US
Package of 25 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$425 US
Pacake of 30 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$495 US
Package of 35 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$560 US
Pacakge of 40 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$620 US
Package of 50 lessons
With in real time Spanish classes online that fit a busy routine, Praktilingua online lessons makes real learning and growth possible for your language skills.
$700 US